

Meet Our Team of Elite Athletes with Diverse Sports Backgrounds.

At Het Gymlokaal, you have the opportunity to train with a team of talented and experienced trainers who excel in various sports disciplines. Our team consists of elite athletes with diverse sporting backgrounds, providing a broad expertise and knowledge base to our members.

Whether you’re interested in (kick)boxing, yoga, crosstraining, weightlifting, barre, pilates, gymnastics, mobility, or crosstraining, our trainers have the experience and insight to guide you professionally. We are committed to delivering personal guidance, with a focus on enjoying sports and injury prevention in our classes.

At Het Gymlokaal, you not only have the chance to train under the guidance of elite athletes but also to learn from their diverse sporting backgrounds. Our trainers are eager to share their expertise and passion for sports, enabling you to maximize your training potential.

Discover the unique opportunity to train with our team of elite athletes and experience the benefits of professional guidance and a diverse range of sports disciplines. Visit Het Gymlokaal and experience the power of our team!

  • Alessandra
    Alessandra Alessandra

    "I aim for people to leave class feeling balanced and hopefully, more at ease and peace in their minds and bodies."

  • Alessandro
    Alesandro Alesandro

    "Every lesson is different, every lesson you learn something new.  I make sure that all my students receive the same amount of attention."

  • Camilla
    Camilla Bundel Camilla Bundel

    "My background in dance and yoga makes my classes unique.  I bring discipline and movement precision from dancing into my lessons combined with yoga where breathing is very important and make you self-aware within your own body."

  • Dimangio
    Dimangio Dimangia Jano

    "I can turn anyone into a fighter. With my experience as a fighter and as a trainer, I have a lot to offer in the field of martial arts."

  • Jacco
    Jacco Jacco

    "Expect an emphasis on skill work and technique, followed by a challenging workout suitable for all levels."

  • Jason
    Jason Jason

    "Rome was not built in one day, neither will be your physique and performance. Trust the process, get to know yourself step by step and enjoy the ride!"

  • Juannito
    Juannito Juannito

    "No pain, no gain."

  • Lainel
    Lainel Lainel

    "My goal is to get the most out of a person and when I see that happen, it gives me energy as well!"

  • Laura

    "I always try to put as much energy and challenges into my lessons as possible so that everyone is actually in class with a goal and can walk out satisfied."

  • Marvin
    Marvin Nimmermeer Marvin Nimmermeer

    "My vision while teaching  is to always bring out people's best and strengths. I am really present in the lessons."

  • Matthijs
    Malic Groenberg Malic Groenberg

    "I make sure everyone feels seen, that everyone is equal, despite the differences in level. I like to highlight the positive and I would like to make someone better and to make them aware of their body."

  • Mike
    Mike Mike

    "Work hard, train harder!"

  • Mitchell
    Mitchell Mitchell

    "Fulfillment through achievements is my motto."

  • Renee
    Renee Leeuw Renee Leeuw

    "I provide powerful and creative flows, in which I challenge my students to step out of their comfort zone and look for boundaries, but they should not go beyond those boundaries."

  • Sam

    "I aim for people to leave class feeling balanced and hopefully, more at ease and peace in their minds and bodies."

  • Sebastiaan
    Sebastiaan Sebastiaan

    "During my lesson you are challenged to get the most out of yourself while always respecting your own personal limits. I believe in customization, and you will experience that even if you train in a group."

  • Umesh
    Umesh Umesh

    "People often believe they can’t do certain things, and I aim to change this mindset."

  • Veronika
    Veronika Alessandra

    "Some limitations might exist only in your head."

  • Xaverio
    Xaverio Xaverio

    "I am mainly there to change people's mindset and to show that there is often more in you than you initially think."

  • Yoram
    Yoram Bemer Yoram Bemer

    "Everyone learns in a different way, it is rewarding to look for different ways to explain techniques when it is not yet assimilated."