

What is your sports background and what is your specialty in the field of physical activity?

I’ve been involved in sports my entire life, and I’ve been playing in the premier league for basketball since I was 11. I come from a sporty family; my mother is a yoga instructor, my brother dances with the National Ballet, and my sister has competed in dance. My specialty in the realm of physical activity revolves around a combination of strength, explosiveness, and functional movement. Currently, I am in my third year of the Academy for Physical Education, which is a higher education program for becoming a first-degree physical education teacher.

What can people expect from you as a trainer?

People often believe they can’t do certain things, and I aim to change this mindset and ensure that participants are challenged to the best of their abilities, according to their own level. It’s you versus you.

What can you teach people?

I teach people to recognize their own physical and mental limits and then push beyond them. Additionally, I can provide participants with an anatomical foundation for the exercises.

Umesh Umesh